A properly trained dog possessing the proper attributes of scent detection will detect one of the most damaging insects of all time. The termite dog is capable of causing some of the most damage to structures imaginable.
IronHeart goes out of their way to select only the finest dogs capable of detecting termites. Our selection process is hard to beat. The stringent selection detection process coupled with the comprehensive handler courses will create only the best termite detection dogs in the industry.
A quality explosives detector dog must be teamed with a quality handler course to ensure the proficiency and safety of the canine team and those that could be affected by deficiencies caused by a lack of training.
It is very important each handler become familiar with the components of explosives, trends in explosives worldwide, and the individual composition of these explosives.
Termites use chemical odors to communicate. These chemical odors, called pheromones, are used to find mates, to warn others about danger, and to mark trails that can be followed by other termites. Pheromones are chemical scents undetectable to humans. Termites rely on scent to communicate because they are blind. While tunneling underground, the foraging termites lay down a trail of pheromone which they secrete from glands on their abdomen. When a food source is located, the odor trail is intensified to recruit other termites to the feeding site. Termites cannot “eat” wood. Termites require the help of single-cell organisms in their stomachs to digest it. Another gas produced by the digestive process of termites is methane.
Due to the various odors contributing to the scent picture surrounding termites, detector dogs can be extremely useful in locating them. A termite detection dog is capable of locating these destructive insects long before they cause readily visible signs of damage.
The IronHeart Training Center prides itself in the selection of their dogs and only recruit dogs having exceptional work ethic, motivation, and hunting prowess. Anyone purchasing one of our dogs will receive training for the life of the dog as well as timely customer support in the event you experience any problems. Our many years of training experience has yielded hundreds of top quality working dogs all over the world.
Our curriculum covers a broad range of topics with an emphasis on leash handling and the prevention of “false alerts”.